Monday, February 27, 2006
The Second Dream
Quite recently (well, not quite, given that many events have come into play and dynamics have since changed), P got on rather well electronically with a certain gentleman. Her attraction, sparked off as a result of her love for clever wordplay, found its way into her world of delightful possibilities in the form of a dream. It was already the second dream.
P and the gentleman spoke little (or nothing at all). They made their way into what seemed like a Japanese eatery and into the private tatami room. It appeared to be that P was dressed in a kimono. They embraced each other, their lips lightly brushing past each other and he pulled her close to his chest. P was careful not to let her bosom be pressed close to him as she is ever so conscious of that part of her.
Then his meal arrived on the table. And he began eating his bowl of food as he seated himself on the tatami floor. The fare, however turned out to be Korean. Bim bim bab he had. All this time, P laid down flat on the floor and behind him, staring upwards into the ceiling, body tensed.
When the gentleman finished his meal, he turned around to her and looked down at her. His eyes trailed along her body. P continued staring upwards and their eyes met when he returned his gaze to her face. He placed his palm faced down on her bosom and continued gliding it downwards... but very slowly. P allowed herself to savour every moment of that movement flow as her body continued to stiffen up... she thought the sensation liberating...
Quite suddenly, P's alarm went off. Her moment of pleasure that was building up got snapped back to reality. She turned off the alarm clock and threw her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. But to no avail could she retrieve and continue her dream as it was forever lost to the omnipotence of time...
Quite recently (well, not quite, given that many events have come into play and dynamics have since changed), P got on rather well electronically with a certain gentleman. Her attraction, sparked off as a result of her love for clever wordplay, found its way into her world of delightful possibilities in the form of a dream. It was already the second dream.
P and the gentleman spoke little (or nothing at all). They made their way into what seemed like a Japanese eatery and into the private tatami room. It appeared to be that P was dressed in a kimono. They embraced each other, their lips lightly brushing past each other and he pulled her close to his chest. P was careful not to let her bosom be pressed close to him as she is ever so conscious of that part of her.
Then his meal arrived on the table. And he began eating his bowl of food as he seated himself on the tatami floor. The fare, however turned out to be Korean. Bim bim bab he had. All this time, P laid down flat on the floor and behind him, staring upwards into the ceiling, body tensed.
When the gentleman finished his meal, he turned around to her and looked down at her. His eyes trailed along her body. P continued staring upwards and their eyes met when he returned his gaze to her face. He placed his palm faced down on her bosom and continued gliding it downwards... but very slowly. P allowed herself to savour every moment of that movement flow as her body continued to stiffen up... she thought the sensation liberating...
Quite suddenly, P's alarm went off. Her moment of pleasure that was building up got snapped back to reality. She turned off the alarm clock and threw her head back onto the pillow and closed her eyes. But to no avail could she retrieve and continue her dream as it was forever lost to the omnipotence of time...
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>Quite recently (well, not quite,
>given that many events have come
>into play and dynamics have since
>changed), P got on rather well
>electronically with a certain
What do you mean by "dynamics have since changed"? What's changed?
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>given that many events have come
>into play and dynamics have since
>changed), P got on rather well
>electronically with a certain
What do you mean by "dynamics have since changed"? What's changed?
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