Sunday, August 27, 2006
People count others by their uses, P observed since the age of ten. That is how people connect as the notion enables one to relate to another person and make coherent (be it intentional or not) how the other party could potentially fit into one’s life through the role the other plays. The mutual relationship must satisfy some form of agenda be it emotional, intellectual or physical for two to become attracted to each other and come together. That, she reckoned is inherent in the existence of all relationships, be it personal, professional or even between family members.
P always knows how and why she can be popular amongst people and recognizes that her charm lies in her ability to add value to their lives, often filling up the emotional gaps or understanding that they might be deprived of from alternative company. She is fully aware that her natural ability to engage and empathize is her trump card to social success, only if she gets out there enough. But P is by no means a pleaser. Her joy lies in giving and repaying kindness through forming meaningful relationships that is mutually beneficial and what she deemed as productive. So she handpicks- from friends to lovers to partners-in-crime. On that note, her entire life has been built around achieving personal goals that might well be beneficial to another party of interest. She loves a good strategic deal- that is, killing two birds with one stone. In return, she would not short change the other party (be it emotionally, physically and intellectually) and takes pride in her ability to be of “good value” (quoting Dope).
P began her current profession the weekend after they hooked up.
Just as fate would have it that they bumped into each other again in this great big city few years after on a bus traveling inter-state that Dope was meant to miss, only that the bus driver made an exception for this late comer and allowed him in at a traffic junction with much admonishment, they fell into a professional arrangement that appeared mutually beneficial later on.
P loves repaying kindness- that is the way she operates her life. In those dark months of joblessness, Dope was a constant source of encouragement and assistance. He even tried to help her seek employment in the investment bank that he worked in. All those equity research that he supplied her has enabled a charlatan like her to "take a view" of the stock market where she wrote glowing equity reports during interviews for prospective employers and talkedconfidently and assertively to impress the big boys’ club of traders which saw her to the final round of interview as the only female potential stockbroker. Then, she often wondered how she could be of service to help an overworked and discontented Dope who was keen and ambitious to do bigger and even better things. He is already in a great place but holding a first class honours degree in finance with a double degree in commerce and law, nothing is good enough for him yet and he continues to push on in advancing his career. Dope has the brain smarts and P has the street smarts and they were both on the same page with their outlook in life- the need for personal space and the sole pre-occupation to advance. She liked to find a way to make him happy for being there for her, understanding her then predicament and taking great interest in her job hunt and progress. So when she finally got offered a job, they spent the night together on a celebratory note that dawned the arrival of their grey arrangement.
In the first month of her job, P became aware of the hand in fate that further strengthened their bond. Serendipity has it that P worked for a formidable practice, which is renowned in town for what they do because her boss has strong established relationships in the market. And P came to the realization that the spouse of her boss was the CEO of the investment bank that Dope works for. She liked the idea of striking a duo gig with him- her ability to help advance him and in time to come, she might gain an advantage in her profession. But that would come a lot later…
Dope first came to the knowledge of her boss during a charity run held by the investment bank. As only employees of the bank were allowed in the VIP tent and obviously P's team, having strong associations with bank with the established personal and professional relationships, her boss noticed P's accompaniement by a gentleman from the bank and cheekily made her way to the young couple for an introduction. Since then, she made a note of the division that he works in and likes to occasionally made cheeky references to the team of their possible romantic involvement, calling Dope P's "part-time" boyfriend, cognizant that P has a boyfriend living in another state. P found that part strategic maneouveur useful for starters and at the back of her constantly tenacious mind, she made it a goal that Dope would make its way on the radar of the Big Man.
The Big Man always knew of Dope's existence, given the division that he works for that gets him at close range to the financial markets on a day in day out basis. But despite so, the Big Man never quite seemed to remember his name although he is known for his great memory, just like his wife. P was ever so determined and her accidental profession has taken on a new meaning and inspiration to advance.
A month ago, P and the team went out for a drinks bonding session after work. The Big Man arrived and P was once again introduced to him for the third time. They sat down for drinks and everyone engaged in witty and interesting conversations. Being the lowest member of the practice food chain, P had little in the way of contributing to constructive topics and was experiencing charm failure. At the back of her weary mind to partake in clever talk, she wondered how she might possibly and aptly lead the conversation to draw attention to herself and invitably encouraging the mention of Dope. The Big Man would definitely look out for Dope, she knew if it came to the attention that there is some connection between the employees of these two organisations. After all, it would be a little bit like a union of him and his wife that the strong professional relationship and tradition are founded upon.
Just as she thought all was lost for the night, she having little luck in exuding any charm, let alone embarking on a mission to "save" others, the conversation was suddenly spotlighted on P.
"You know, there is a boy from your organisation that seemed to take a fancy on our P," the boss jokes as she directed the talk at her husband.
"What's his name again? Dope right? And which division is he working again?" the boss prompted.
The Big Man became interested.
"Dope E J. He worked for MD, in (the department)," she replied, still playing along and dismissing any romantic speculations by the team.
"Mind you. P has a boyfriend. But really, Dope is the part-time boyfriend." another colleague chiped in.
"Ah..." the Big Man smiled.
Then they began making references at how P could utilise this relationship to do business with the bank with the lower level whereas her boss takes care of senior management level.
Amidst the banter against the loud background music, P thought she heard the Big Man speak .
"Well, we could get Dope to do the Sky news commentary with MD the next time then..."
Then followed the cheeky remarks made by the colleagues who said how lucky for Dope to be able to leverage off this relationship.
Whether it was true or not, P knew that the Big Man is sure to take note of Dope from hereon.
Mission accomplished.
She went home thinking that the socialising exercise was not in vain. Something did come out of it.
As she left for the train station, she rang Dope who was still ploughing at the desk. He was to have a long night, given that it was reporting season. As usual, their conversation is terse- she
related the positive news and hung up.
Afterwards, Dope texted her to "chide" her for being a "trouble maker". ;p since he could barely have time to react and she was well her way to make another phone call.
Yay, he is finally in the radar!
Recently, Dope got a review. It seems like he would be getting what he wants and there is a strong desire by the organisation to further groom his potential and respect his wishes to move into another area and possibly to re-locate him for a seachange that he ever so desires.
Maybe she had a hand in further directing that spotlight on him. Maybe not but at least it is confirmed that the Big Man now knows of him. That, she thinks is a rewarding and productive relationship.
That puts a smile on P's face. Even though that means to say that she would get no Dope fix if he gets a move on before her. But ah well...
As always, she knows (for some unexplainable reason) they were fated to be a duo. Since the day his aura attracted her in the winter of 1999 .
Like cos he's always sleepy...
when I called him that, I realised that his dad used to call him that when he was a child so that was how his nickname was revived...
hmm, as for you, I have one for you...;)
P.S Check the time we posted the comments. Exactly the same except the part of the day!!!
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