Thursday, October 12, 2006
Electronic Tiff
P is really piqued!!!
She is too tired to argue with him.
He just doesn't get it does he?
Maybe this might well be the end of it...
What a day (amidst 1001 better things to get on with)!
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 9:01 AM
To: P
Subject: yo
sorry about having to go so quickly yesterday
HoR came over to talk with me - you kinda' have to hang up the phone if you know what I mean
how's it all going?
12/10/2006 09:11 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
Hey, that's cool.
Hope all is great on ur end?
Lunch tmrw, maybe?
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 9:54 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
it's ok - just the usual really
tomorrow? will have to let you know tomorrow - there's a bit on presently
things keep popping up "
12/10/2006 09:56 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
No worries.
I presume you are "off-limits" on the weekend?
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 10:02 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
don't know about that
but i'll be at a wedding in the blue mountains
how about yourself?
12/10/2006 10:16 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
off-limits (as we used for companies we cannot headhunt from since they are or were our clients and we have so clauses tied to the agreement) since wkends are ur domestic time...
I see (about the wedding) so you are unavailable for another reason then!
I would be here!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 10:52 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
well it depends really - i try not to do too many chores on weekends, unless i really have to - but i'm not super-duper active either. I think i'll have to do my tax this weekend.
true - can't say i'm looking forward to attending - although I'll see lots of my old school friends there
ok - anything interesting planned?
12/10/2006 10:58 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
You are too lazy-dopey!!!;p Yeah u better get your A**e cracking on the tax returns.
so it's on sat? why not, at least u would see ur ex-schoolmates
No- gof and the boys are coming up and want to catch up for dinner on sat nite but I haven't replied them. Not quite in a social mood. reason for staying put this wkend is to try to do some chores and sit down for some serious revision...
say, when are you coming back this wkend? Might need some help with revision (for real!!!)... I cannot understand economics for the most part!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 11:36 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
yeah - i know - too much elegant slumming... have two more weekends I think to finish tax
i think it's on Saturday - i need to check the invite
well that sounds like fun - see you have domestics too
as if you need help with economics! miss golden key - it's just first year stuff - and i'm not really that economically driven
12/10/2006 11:53 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
they are not my domestics!!! Just my friends! My domestic would consist of DL and Fluff Ball! And so when I refer to your domestics, they are.... X & X (baby boy!)
If you recall, Miss GK dropped economics at Yr 11 by not going for her mid-year exams and at university, she had someone sit her exams for her... so she has not grasp the fundamentals...
so I take it that I won't be able to get help from you, Mr 1st class honours/ selfish... Fine!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 11:59 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
domestics as in household chores
yes I do recall that - however given your superior intellect, i'm sure you can pick up basic economics quite quickly
i didn't say that - but remember I'm not trained in economics anymore than you - I did honours in finance, which is a completely different field of study
" 12/10/2006 12:04 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
I cannot even do 1st yr economics and grasp the fundamentals, esp macroeconomics which is what the course is all about and which was the exam that I had Jane sit for me! If you cannot assist me by explaining to me what I think I don't quite understand, then I can think of 2 possible scenarios
1) you must be dumber than me in economics or
2) you are selfish and you just don't feel like helping me.
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 2:29 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
hmmm.... very good reasoning
actually there could be a third one: all of the above! Heheh
12/10/2006 03:23 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
Not funny!!!
No sense of humour at the moment.
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 4:07 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
oh c'mon!
who said I was being funny??
: P
12/10/2006 04:15 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
I am NOT impressed.
I won't ask you for help then.
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 4:29 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
well that's up to you, isn't it?
afterall, you ask me for help
i don't say no
and then you accuse me of being selfish... twice
12/10/2006 05:09 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
yeah- now it's up to me hey when I am at the mercy of your "desire" to help?!!!!
well didn't u say it was "all of the above"??? ie. dumb at economics + selfish & don't want to help?
Not an accusation- it was an admission on your part!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 5:18 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
ah... dear dear dear
the joys of entangling yourself with someone with legal training...
what did I actually admit to?
i might have implied or inferred stuff, but I didn't admit to anything
have a careful read of the dialogue
12/10/2006 05:30 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
what I have discerned from your inference (if you like it better that way) to "all of the above" was that you do not want to help me!
I don't care for your sophistication of verbally excusing yourself out of a situation!
Failure of having a sense of humour!
I was asking for help for real (if you notice that I have not added wanting to re-enact a "high school scenario" revision session) so I do appreciate if you were upfront as to whether you would like to or was able to help me!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 5:53 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
ok, but it's an inference - your inference / interpretation of what i'm saying
that doesn't make it correct.
and i'm not in a situation, so I don't need to excuse myself from it.
if you are asking for my help for real, then you should consider when it is convenient for me to help you - and accusing me of being selfish when it is you requiring my help does not really do much for your cause - regardless what sort of mood you are in
i didn't say I would not like to help you - i merely said i'm not good at what you are asking help for. AND, I don't know whether I'm free this weekend because I've got a lot on.
From: P
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 6:15 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
Shall I just say my mood was ok until I got your email and "inferred" that you weren't going to help me when you set out that you are not economically driven...
Initially, I thought fine- you are probably joking around with me but when I took it further and you still kept going with selecting "all of the above", I really take it that it was your way of rejecting me outright.
Naturally, I am NOT impressed!
Well, I do not assume that when one is free, one has to help me. Hence, I wanted to know if you were able to help me instead of asking about your schedule first.
In regards to asking what you were doing this wkend, I was just checking since I wasn't going to be back in Canberra and was wondering if you might be free. Maybe we could do something (not just study!) since we have never spent time on the wkends!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 6:51 PMTo: PSubject: RE: yo
what i'm saying is i'm not great at economics, so you shouldn't be expecting to gain a lot from me helping you to start off with. That your mood got worse when I said this because you thought I was joking would actually give me more of a reason not to be impressed with you than vice versa; especially as you called me selfish: twice. In fact, I can't see any reason whatsoever for you to be "not impressed".
i also don't know when i'm coming back from the blue mountains, so this weekend may not be any good regardless
what sort of economics understanding problems are you having?
have you signed up for one of the study groups? They're pretty helpful
P is really piqued!!!
She is too tired to argue with him.
He just doesn't get it does he?
Maybe this might well be the end of it...
What a day (amidst 1001 better things to get on with)!
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 9:01 AM
To: P
Subject: yo
sorry about having to go so quickly yesterday
HoR came over to talk with me - you kinda' have to hang up the phone if you know what I mean
how's it all going?
12/10/2006 09:11 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
Hey, that's cool.
Hope all is great on ur end?
Lunch tmrw, maybe?
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 9:54 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
it's ok - just the usual really
tomorrow? will have to let you know tomorrow - there's a bit on presently
things keep popping up "
12/10/2006 09:56 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
No worries.
I presume you are "off-limits" on the weekend?
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 10:02 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
don't know about that
but i'll be at a wedding in the blue mountains
how about yourself?
12/10/2006 10:16 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
off-limits (as we used for companies we cannot headhunt from since they are or were our clients and we have so clauses tied to the agreement) since wkends are ur domestic time...
I see (about the wedding) so you are unavailable for another reason then!
I would be here!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 10:52 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
well it depends really - i try not to do too many chores on weekends, unless i really have to - but i'm not super-duper active either. I think i'll have to do my tax this weekend.
true - can't say i'm looking forward to attending - although I'll see lots of my old school friends there
ok - anything interesting planned?
12/10/2006 10:58 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
You are too lazy-dopey!!!;p Yeah u better get your A**e cracking on the tax returns.
so it's on sat? why not, at least u would see ur ex-schoolmates
No- gof and the boys are coming up and want to catch up for dinner on sat nite but I haven't replied them. Not quite in a social mood. reason for staying put this wkend is to try to do some chores and sit down for some serious revision...
say, when are you coming back this wkend? Might need some help with revision (for real!!!)... I cannot understand economics for the most part!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 11:36 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
yeah - i know - too much elegant slumming... have two more weekends I think to finish tax
i think it's on Saturday - i need to check the invite
well that sounds like fun - see you have domestics too
as if you need help with economics! miss golden key - it's just first year stuff - and i'm not really that economically driven
12/10/2006 11:53 AM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
they are not my domestics!!! Just my friends! My domestic would consist of DL and Fluff Ball! And so when I refer to your domestics, they are.... X & X (baby boy!)
If you recall, Miss GK dropped economics at Yr 11 by not going for her mid-year exams and at university, she had someone sit her exams for her... so she has not grasp the fundamentals...
so I take it that I won't be able to get help from you, Mr 1st class honours/ selfish... Fine!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 11:59 AM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
domestics as in household chores
yes I do recall that - however given your superior intellect, i'm sure you can pick up basic economics quite quickly
i didn't say that - but remember I'm not trained in economics anymore than you - I did honours in finance, which is a completely different field of study
" 12/10/2006 12:04 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
I cannot even do 1st yr economics and grasp the fundamentals, esp macroeconomics which is what the course is all about and which was the exam that I had Jane sit for me! If you cannot assist me by explaining to me what I think I don't quite understand, then I can think of 2 possible scenarios
1) you must be dumber than me in economics or
2) you are selfish and you just don't feel like helping me.
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 2:29 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
hmmm.... very good reasoning
actually there could be a third one: all of the above! Heheh
12/10/2006 03:23 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
Not funny!!!
No sense of humour at the moment.
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 4:07 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
oh c'mon!
who said I was being funny??
: P
12/10/2006 04:15 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
I am NOT impressed.
I won't ask you for help then.
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 4:29 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
well that's up to you, isn't it?
afterall, you ask me for help
i don't say no
and then you accuse me of being selfish... twice
12/10/2006 05:09 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
yeah- now it's up to me hey when I am at the mercy of your "desire" to help?!!!!
well didn't u say it was "all of the above"??? ie. dumb at economics + selfish & don't want to help?
Not an accusation- it was an admission on your part!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 5:18 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
ah... dear dear dear
the joys of entangling yourself with someone with legal training...
what did I actually admit to?
i might have implied or inferred stuff, but I didn't admit to anything
have a careful read of the dialogue
12/10/2006 05:30 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
what I have discerned from your inference (if you like it better that way) to "all of the above" was that you do not want to help me!
I don't care for your sophistication of verbally excusing yourself out of a situation!
Failure of having a sense of humour!
I was asking for help for real (if you notice that I have not added wanting to re-enact a "high school scenario" revision session) so I do appreciate if you were upfront as to whether you would like to or was able to help me!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 5:53 PM
To: P
Subject: RE: yo
ok, but it's an inference - your inference / interpretation of what i'm saying
that doesn't make it correct.
and i'm not in a situation, so I don't need to excuse myself from it.
if you are asking for my help for real, then you should consider when it is convenient for me to help you - and accusing me of being selfish when it is you requiring my help does not really do much for your cause - regardless what sort of mood you are in
i didn't say I would not like to help you - i merely said i'm not good at what you are asking help for. AND, I don't know whether I'm free this weekend because I've got a lot on.
From: P
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 6:15 PM
To: Dope
Subject: RE: yo
Shall I just say my mood was ok until I got your email and "inferred" that you weren't going to help me when you set out that you are not economically driven...
Initially, I thought fine- you are probably joking around with me but when I took it further and you still kept going with selecting "all of the above", I really take it that it was your way of rejecting me outright.
Naturally, I am NOT impressed!
Well, I do not assume that when one is free, one has to help me. Hence, I wanted to know if you were able to help me instead of asking about your schedule first.
In regards to asking what you were doing this wkend, I was just checking since I wasn't going to be back in Canberra and was wondering if you might be free. Maybe we could do something (not just study!) since we have never spent time on the wkends!
From: Dope
Sent: Thursday, 12 October 2006 6:51 PMTo: PSubject: RE: yo
what i'm saying is i'm not great at economics, so you shouldn't be expecting to gain a lot from me helping you to start off with. That your mood got worse when I said this because you thought I was joking would actually give me more of a reason not to be impressed with you than vice versa; especially as you called me selfish: twice. In fact, I can't see any reason whatsoever for you to be "not impressed".
i also don't know when i'm coming back from the blue mountains, so this weekend may not be any good regardless
what sort of economics understanding problems are you having?
have you signed up for one of the study groups? They're pretty helpful
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Some people just don't get it my dear.
I'll help you out with your Economics to save you the heart ache of dealing with your grey arrangement.
A BA (Hons) in Industrial Economics should count for something, non ;)
Some people just don't get it my dear.
I'll help you out with your Economics to save you the heart ache of dealing with your grey arrangement.
A BA (Hons) in Industrial Economics should count for something, non ;)
Well, Thanks ;)
Good to know that I might be able to get some help there!!!:)
Alternatively, M who has a 1st class honours in Economics might come in handy though he is too far away..:(
Ok, we should find a way to get ourselves acquainted (not just for the economics) Danya. Say what's your email addy?;)
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Good to know that I might be able to get some help there!!!:)
Alternatively, M who has a 1st class honours in Economics might come in handy though he is too far away..:(
Ok, we should find a way to get ourselves acquainted (not just for the economics) Danya. Say what's your email addy?;)
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