Sunday, January 28, 2007


I fell from grace last night. Don't even ask how. But I did. I was out with a bunch of big boys. You know the type who has all the contacts in their world to make your enterprising ambitions into reality. There are two types of businesses that I always want to go into- Food and Death. These boys are in the know. Serendipitiously.

But think I blew it. Don't even want to talk about it. I have given V the dirt and has publicly reprimanded myself so I think enough is enough.

Someone like me should never drink too much. Know why? Because I get horny!

Anyhow, by the time I was tugged into bed this morning, I still had the soberness to remind myself to set the alarm clock on my mobile phone. It was then that I realised that my mobile phone, all my Fillipino pesos amongst other things like my hair clip and the bow on one side of my new shoes (which I demanded the boys to fix it and they tried placating me that they would get me Ferragamos the next day) have all gone missing...

Think it's retribution and oh, I don't foresee the boys taking me out for a good time out tonight because we did some permanent damage there...

Ah well, I am more worried about replacing my mobile phone at this stage than anything else.

And I need to get back on my spiritual track...

RESTE EN FORME! NE PAS SE DOUTER! FAIRE COURAGE. toujours ton amie =) (and if u've forgotten yr french, go look it up!)
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