Tuesday, February 13, 2007

To ex-Lovers & ex-Flings...

There is a reason why I love American jazz standards, the Cuban boleros and oldies because I am a lyrics person.

In those days, lyrics were so simple and yet true and life seemed a lot less complicated. Succinctly, it sums up the very essence of human emotions.

I actually have a good singing voice and I love singing to the people that I am intimate with if only I feel comfortable enough with them. DL naturally got a fair bit of that in our lovey dovey days and sometimes when I get into the mood. Actually, I still sing to him every now and then. His favourite song for me, on the other hand is "The Way you look tonight..."

Singing, like showering (where I mostly like doing alone as it is my quiet time to reflect) to me is a very personal thing. They tend to go hand in hand for me as a habit (so now you all know, I am a big bathroom singer). Mostly I mean, me singing to someone. More so than me sleeping with a man. My voice conveys my soul but indulging in carnal activity, often, I do not feel the same, especially those who never fully get to touch my entire bare skin, body and never past the stage to be led into my circle of trust where the story of "The Respectful Murderer" would be told. It sums up the very essence of my soul, transcending that physical self-consciousness to a mental and intellectual struggle that has led me to continue to trapped in this strange paradox that also serves to keep my promiscuity in check. I tread on myself with care lest I come out of each experience feeling that I have had a misplaced trust and to continue life only to be haunted by my carelessness later on...

I don't think I have ever sung to anyone except for DL and Dope.

Oh yah, I guess I did with my Manila beau who took me to a jazz club (because I love jazz and he has just only began to appreciate a little better) and I sang along while I laid on his shoulder. He looked pleased. Before, on the chauffered 4WD on our way to the club, his best friend, a jazz saxophonist and myself were exchanging jazz notes and we hummed and sang a few tunes. His friend commented that I had a good singing voice. My beau who is not quite the cultured man (and is really more into the R&B and hip hop standard variety and I actually suspect he is somewhat a prodigal rich brat) sat quietly to listen to our banter with little ability to chip in the conversation and trying to take it all in.

Tonight, I feel the need to make the night last longer as I am wont to keep myself awake as long as I could to enjoy my non-working hours. And I am getting nostalgic.

Let's just say I am feeling generously sentimental tonight for all who has entered my romantic life and shared a brief moment with me.

So I thought I shall dedicate an American jazz classic sung by Jazz greats like Ella, Billie and Louis to all my ex-flings and lovers collectively but also personally whose lyrics strikes a deep chord in my heart and aptly sums up my sentimental soul with each and everyone of you... Enjoy.

"The way you wear your hat,
the way you sip your tea,
the memory of all that,
No, no they can't take that away from me.

The way your smile just beams,
the way you sing off key,
the way you haunt my dreams,
No, no they can't take that away from me.

We may never, never meet
again on this bumpy road to love
still I always always keep the memory of

The way you hold your knife
the way we danced till three
the way you changed my life
No, no they can't take that away from me
No, they can't take that away from me."

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