Monday, April 23, 2007
Personal “Love” Notes to (self and) the Old Boy (as promised)
On (the rise of illicit) Love Affairs
“ Someone asked a question earlier today: ‘Osho, why does a harmonious love affair seem to be dull and dying?’ For the simple reason that it is harmonious! It loses all attraction for the ego; it seems as if it is not. If it is absolutely harmonious you will completely forget it. Some conflict is needed, some struggle is needed, some violence is needed, some hatred is needed. Love- your so-called love- does not go very deep; it is only skin-deep, or maybe not even so deep. But your hate goes very deep; it goes as deep as your ego.”
- “Understanding the Roots of Misery”, Joy: The Happiness that comes from Within, Osho
On (true) Love (and our divided loves)
“ When the heart falls in love with somebody, then there is no problem; then your love object is your only love object for you. The moment the heart has fallen in love with a woman, then that is the only woman in the world. Then all other women have disappeared for you. The heart is single in purpose. But if the head had fallen in love- in fact it has not fallen in love, it simply pretends- then it is difficult. Then any woman that passes on street attracts you, provokes you. Then any passing influence distracts you. Love knows single purpose because love is really of the heart. If you are here with me through the heart, then it is a totally different relationship. Then it is going to be eternal. Then I can die, you can die, but the relationship cannot die. But if it is only of the head, if you are simply convinced by what I am saying, not convinced by what I am… if you are only convinced by what I am saying- my logic, my argument- then this relationship is temporary. Tomorrow you will be convinced by somebody else. Tomorrow somebody else can give you a better argument; then it disappears.
… the pure in heart and single in purpose are able to understand the most supreme way.”
-“ In Accord with the Way”, The Buddha Said… meeting the challenge of life’s difficulties, Osho
On Passion (and our type with the wandering mind)
“A mind full of passion is a mind full of discontent with the present. A mind with passion, desires, hopes, but never lives. It postpones. It says “tomorrow”, always tomorrow; it is never here and now. A mind full of passion always goes on missing the present- and the present is the only reality there is, so a mind full of passion goes on missing the reality. It cannot reflect that which is, it cannot reflect the truth, it cannot reflect the dhamma, the way. It cannot reflect the real that surrounds you because you are never here.
Watch your mind. Whenever there is a desire, you have gone astray. You cannot be in the future, remember. You cannot be in the past, remember. That is impossible; that doesn’t happen the way things are; that simply doesn’t happen…
… This is the way of not being. This is how we miss existence.
… Living in memories, or living in imagination- that is the way of passion. Passion is a wavering- either to the left or to the right, but never in the middle. And the middle is the truth, the present is the truth, the door to reality.”
-"Reflections of Emptiness”, The Buddha Said… meeting the challenge of life’s difficulties, Osho
On Emancipating the (troubled) Soul
“Awareness cannot be in the past and cannot be in the future. Awareness knows only the present. Awareness knows no past, no future; it has only one tense, the present. Be aware, and as you start enjoying the present more and more, as you feel the bliss of being in the present, you will stop doing this stupid thing that everybody goes on doing. You will stop going into the past. You will not have to forget and forgive, it will disappear of its own accord. You will be surprised- where has it gone? And once the past is there no more, future also disappears because future is only a projection of the past. To be free from past and future is to taste freedom for the first time, And in that experience one becomes whole, healthy; all wounds are healed. Suddenly there are no longer any wounds, you start feeling a deep well-arising in you. That well-being is the beginning of transformation.”
-“Understanding the Roots of Misery”, Joy: The Happiness that comes from Within, Osho
On (the rise of illicit) Love Affairs
“ Someone asked a question earlier today: ‘Osho, why does a harmonious love affair seem to be dull and dying?’ For the simple reason that it is harmonious! It loses all attraction for the ego; it seems as if it is not. If it is absolutely harmonious you will completely forget it. Some conflict is needed, some struggle is needed, some violence is needed, some hatred is needed. Love- your so-called love- does not go very deep; it is only skin-deep, or maybe not even so deep. But your hate goes very deep; it goes as deep as your ego.”
- “Understanding the Roots of Misery”, Joy: The Happiness that comes from Within, Osho
On (true) Love (and our divided loves)
“ When the heart falls in love with somebody, then there is no problem; then your love object is your only love object for you. The moment the heart has fallen in love with a woman, then that is the only woman in the world. Then all other women have disappeared for you. The heart is single in purpose. But if the head had fallen in love- in fact it has not fallen in love, it simply pretends- then it is difficult. Then any woman that passes on street attracts you, provokes you. Then any passing influence distracts you. Love knows single purpose because love is really of the heart. If you are here with me through the heart, then it is a totally different relationship. Then it is going to be eternal. Then I can die, you can die, but the relationship cannot die. But if it is only of the head, if you are simply convinced by what I am saying, not convinced by what I am… if you are only convinced by what I am saying- my logic, my argument- then this relationship is temporary. Tomorrow you will be convinced by somebody else. Tomorrow somebody else can give you a better argument; then it disappears.
… the pure in heart and single in purpose are able to understand the most supreme way.”
-“ In Accord with the Way”, The Buddha Said… meeting the challenge of life’s difficulties, Osho
On Passion (and our type with the wandering mind)
“A mind full of passion is a mind full of discontent with the present. A mind with passion, desires, hopes, but never lives. It postpones. It says “tomorrow”, always tomorrow; it is never here and now. A mind full of passion always goes on missing the present- and the present is the only reality there is, so a mind full of passion goes on missing the reality. It cannot reflect that which is, it cannot reflect the truth, it cannot reflect the dhamma, the way. It cannot reflect the real that surrounds you because you are never here.
Watch your mind. Whenever there is a desire, you have gone astray. You cannot be in the future, remember. You cannot be in the past, remember. That is impossible; that doesn’t happen the way things are; that simply doesn’t happen…
… This is the way of not being. This is how we miss existence.
… Living in memories, or living in imagination- that is the way of passion. Passion is a wavering- either to the left or to the right, but never in the middle. And the middle is the truth, the present is the truth, the door to reality.”
-"Reflections of Emptiness”, The Buddha Said… meeting the challenge of life’s difficulties, Osho
On Emancipating the (troubled) Soul
“Awareness cannot be in the past and cannot be in the future. Awareness knows only the present. Awareness knows no past, no future; it has only one tense, the present. Be aware, and as you start enjoying the present more and more, as you feel the bliss of being in the present, you will stop doing this stupid thing that everybody goes on doing. You will stop going into the past. You will not have to forget and forgive, it will disappear of its own accord. You will be surprised- where has it gone? And once the past is there no more, future also disappears because future is only a projection of the past. To be free from past and future is to taste freedom for the first time, And in that experience one becomes whole, healthy; all wounds are healed. Suddenly there are no longer any wounds, you start feeling a deep well-arising in you. That well-being is the beginning of transformation.”
-“Understanding the Roots of Misery”, Joy: The Happiness that comes from Within, Osho
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Should I be picking this literature up and really look into it P?
It makes a lot of sense and I need some senses knocked into my head.
The hell happened to your blog? I cant register my email as it will obviously show my name.
So much of being anonymous ;)
Should I be picking this literature up and really look into it P?
It makes a lot of sense and I need some senses knocked into my head.
The hell happened to your blog? I cant register my email as it will obviously show my name.
So much of being anonymous ;)
Hi Danya,
I did think it would apply a lot to u and definitely have you in mind when I posted that. Hence, for the benefit of everyone who probably need this piece of enlightenment, I thought I should share this with people instead of limiting to my private correspondence to Old Boy...:)
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I did think it would apply a lot to u and definitely have you in mind when I posted that. Hence, for the benefit of everyone who probably need this piece of enlightenment, I thought I should share this with people instead of limiting to my private correspondence to Old Boy...:)
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