Thursday, April 05, 2007

Personal Notes to that Old Boy (of a Gentleman)

“I sometimes feel that I look for other women only because of that spring, that momentum, that marvelous flight- filled with tenderness, desire, humility- bringing me back to my wife, whom I love even more with every new infidelity.”
- “Farewell Waltz”, Milan Kundera


" 'I don't know what I'm saving from detection, except perhaps that I'm guilty of several loves, of many loves instead of one.'

'That's no crime. Merely a case of divided loves!'


Sabrina grew frightened again. 'There comes a moment with each man, in each relationship, when I feel lonely.'

'Because of the lies?'

'But if I told the truth I would be not only lonely but also alone, and I would cause each one great harm. How can I tell Alan that for me he is like a father.' "

-"A Spy in the House of Love", Anais Nin


"According to the writer Jorge Luis Borges, the idea of the Zahir comes from Islamic tradition and is thought to have arisen at some point in the eighteenth century. Zahir, in Arabic, means visible,present, incapable of going unnoticed. It is someone or something which, once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought, until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered either a state of holiness or of madness."
- "Encyclopedia of the Fantastic" (1953), Faubourg Saint-Peres

Divided loves. Hmm... Indeed.
Imust be a male version of you and danya. Haha
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