Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Tell me, do you actually remember the person or persons who have cock/ pussy teased you in your life?

I actually do. But then again, of course, I do. I am female. How often does a girl get rejected by a man for sex?

I say rare as hen's teeth. Well, so naturally a girl like me with a big ego would remember the “injury” committed on me. The seemingly “attractive” P.

In case you are wondering how many men have rejected poor P, I can recall two. But then again, they were both already charted territories hitherto marked by P. Why the later rejection was purely circumstantial. So perhaps they don't quite count.


For men, I reckon it's a different story.

Harry said to me earlier this year (on the crowded dance floor on a Mambo night) that guys naturally have a roving eye. It's in the genetic make up of the male species to want to “spread their seeds”. So with that theory in mind, I reckon that a man's propositions of getting women into bed is purely a numbers game. Try your luck with as many as you can, you hit and miss some but you score some.


Yesterday, I massed mailed my friends on Facebook.

I informed them that I will be re-locating back home indefinitely next week.

Of the handful of prompt replies I got, here was one from E.

Yes, innocent school boy E turned some Mr. University Pageant sports jock turned sleaze bag 10 years on who went to school with Harry.

ha ok. maybe there s time to finish what we started the last round.

Last round eh? I thought we finished it there and then with no deal. Moved on already.

I would imagine he would by now have forgotten about 2005 post x number of fucks by now. I am sure it was no defeat for him since he must by now have conquered or deflowered many varieties of female flora ;)

We crossed paths briefly again in 2006 when I bumped into Harry in Velvet Underground all excited, only to realise later that E was quietly standing behind him.

E definitely wasted no time that night and tried his luck again but too bad, Dr. Jekyll & Hyde was my flavour of the night.

Come to think of it, E does have a memory (duh!). When we first got in touch again perhaps after seven years of non communicado, first thing he wrote was that he still had the white bear holding a silver hard shaped chain I gave him before he got siphoned to Brunei for army. Oh, those were the days where P was all sweet and innocent.

I remembered E fondly as a blockhead- the weekends out of the army where we would go to Far East Plaza for his favourite chicken rice, iced teas at Bourke's Coffee in Pacific Plaza and then there were movies. It was ego boosting for me then that E would want to spend his weekends with me.

When Harry and I used to do our usual weekly Mambo Nights pilgrimage post A-level exams, those were exciting times. One night he mentioned a new guy from his school coming that Miss Young P had yet to meet. Harry emphasised that he was quite popular with the girls at school, sports jock , good-looking and all BUT he didn't seem interested in girls. A challenging enigma he was made out to be and I was curious but egotistical me didn't think he was any big feat for me to conquer. But then, I only had eyes for Mr. London then so there.

So that night, it was ego boosting when he joined us on the dance floor and came straight up to me to ask for my name in that shy way. It was like a no-brainer and I did liked him instantly because he was boyish. But nothing came out of it.

Not until National Day where coincidentally, I saw him at the bus stop outside Zouk. I was nineteen. He asked for my number and the rest was history. We went out on the weekends for a bit before he disappeared from me post the bear gift. No returning of missed pager calls.

I did took it to heart.

Maybe that's why I never spend money on men or buy them any gifts until they put out for me.

Funny thing is, I think I am open and generous by nature and I do like pampering my men.

Call it self-defense mechanism or whatever.

It was a bit of life's lesson for me there.

Teased. Emotionally, I felt, that was.

It definitely hit my weak spot.


Harry and I communicate on a comfortable level. In a way, I guess I am his female buddy with the “seeding” mentality equivalent of a man. In the past leading up to his more emotionally stable relationship, Harry liked confiding in me about his on- the-side conquests.

With every visit back home, Harry is sure to hear about my hooking up with a new beau or maybe two or more at the same time- never a fixed preference type and well rounded in her collection of men. P is such a laugh and she laughs at herself- good fun as a friend, probably not the best girlfriend. A bit of a cavalier but then a bit of a romantic mishap. Tragic comedy figure.

Harry shakes his head sometimes. To date, I must have been interested in four of his school friends and intimate with three.


When a man scores a great number of women, he is often deemed as a stud.

But when a woman does likewise, she is perceived as a slut.

(It's now the twenty first century- we are supposed to be progressive in the emancipation and empowerment of females).

How does that work?

Now I feel brain teased already.

you stud. when's your trip?
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