Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Brides and Weddings

They say that the bride always looks her best in her wedding.

I think so too.

I haven't been to many weddings of my peers to date. Only B's. She did look gorgeous.

Someone found the photo album site of the Big Boy's wedding and pointed me to take a look.

As curious as a cat can be, I took a trip down that information highway.

The bride looks beautiful in the photos. I am just not sure if I like the look of the church. Set in black and white, the background where they kissed, my peripheral view seemed to alter my perception and I keep imagining the existence of a coffin in the background, with Jesus Christ on the cross hanging from the ceiling.

But important thing is, they look happy in the pictures.

As the cliché goes, a picture says a thousand words. Yes, for the moment.

I wonder if the Old Boy's wife too looked just as good-looking and happy on their big day more than ten years ago.

Marriage better last since weddings are expensive. Then the exercise gets even more costly thereafter.

V nearly had her big day last year, except that she called it off. She had cold feet after putting on the wedding dress specially tailored for her, stared at herself in the mirror and knew she couldn't do it. Thank goodness, it was just a loss of deposit for the wedding reception and the costs of 2 gowns. Better to apply the brakes before the deal is done, sealed and delivered if one isn't too sure.

Tomorrow, I have been asked by a good friend, Stephy to accompany her to try on wedding gowns. I happen to be one of the bridesmaids for her wedding. Second time in less than a year. I hope that everything's going to be blissful for her.

I heard that there is this superstition that if a girl becomes a bridesmaid for more than three times, she will remain a spinster. Then there is also the Korean superstition that if a bridesmaid does not get married within a year, she will also remain single for the rest of her life.

Tough luck for me then. Ain't seeing any wedding bells ringing my way anytime soon.

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