Monday, July 14, 2008


They say that exercising helps one to sleep better.

It doesn't seem to work for me. I have been exercising almost everyday.

For some really strange reason, no matter what time I go to bed, I find myself waking up at around 4.30a.m everyday. I tried to make a mental check to determine whether it is merely a case of jet lag but my last few weeks spent in Australia saw me streteched my waking hours beyond 10a.m. That makes it 8a.m Singapore time.

It has since become a daily ritual. I would have a hard time falling back to sleep after that. Then comes 6.50a.m, the alarm clock rings when I am just about to fall asleep, only that it is time for me to get up and run to the beach.

The two hours lying in bed must be the darkest hours. I am almost getting a bedtime phobia, knowing full well that I am being roused to awakeness at the ungodly hour.

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