Friday, September 12, 2008

Peace Made

Just got into my inbox and got a message on Facebook from the Koran.

Re: something off my chest...

hey P, hope u're enjoying your stay back in town.

this may come out of the blue given that i've already told u (when we met couple nights ago) wat i'm going to reiterate hereforth..

i'm seriously involved with someone now & having met u that night made me realize that i really do indeed love my girlfriend very much & wouldn't want to do anything to endanger or complicate wat's still a relatively new & blossoming relationship.

as such, given my past lifestyle & specifically our history, i believe that i shouldn't remain in touch with u at least for now. pls find it in yourself to be happy for me & permit me to continue building something meaningful & special with my girlfriend.

(no reply needed as this is something i've considered carefully & my course of action is hence decided.)

i sincerely thank u for your kind understanding. i also wish u all the very best in your restaurant venture in Sad Town. do enjoy your stay in singapore & may u find happiness & success in all your future endeavors!


Reply from me:

Hey Koran,

Thanks so much for the considered message. I really appreciate your candidness.

No worries! Didn't expect anything from you except from your friendship and meeting up on Monday was definitely unexpected but pleasant!!! I really thought you wanted to find out how things were with me with my trek (silly me! Heh!) but noted that you were part distracted that evening until towards the end and I got your drift...

Meant to ask you if you came to tell me that (funnily on that day itself, an ex-grey arrangement of mine who is visiting S'pore for F1 & looking forward to catching up again also happened to drop the bombshell on me that he now has a gf... Chinese he had to add! Heh!) after I realised but I too didn't want you to take it the wrong way and misconstrued that I would have taken offence with your honesty...;)

I meant to say to you that long distance rships are not so bad and if you love this girl, it might well work its way out... The heart has reasons that the mind cannot fathom... but thought too that given our histories and my own emotionally messy life, I am not the best to proffer you with this little advice. Visit my blog, wrote a piece "The Gods are Smiling" about Monday. Do read it.

And remember I said I was going to write about "Koran"? I did a while back disguised under the title "About a Boy". Thats for you.

Ok, enough said. You go be happy-cos that's what I want you to be-as a friend!:)

I always meant to tell you I am sorry for the way I have treated you, esp in March. Your nice-ness always reminded me of my own guilt and fallacies as a human being. Guess I always made a better friend than a girlfriend of sorts...

And someone up there must have sent you to me for a good reason i.e. since I should never get myself involved with a married man... funny, I bumped into the Old Boy yday with an ex-lover (maybe back tog) with exactly the same name, surname and profession as me...

So there-here's a piece of my mind... always thought I never did the right thing by you and I just want to say I am sorry.

And I do remember, no matter how our story ends, we'll always be friends...:)

Best of luck in your future endeavours!

Muchos besos,

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