Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Some people are very good at sticking to their scripts. I mean their life scripts, like script of how they envision their adult lives to be.

Fifi, an old schoolmate of mine is a prime example. When we last caught up, she is this high maintenaince tai tai who drove me around in black BMW 6-series convertible. She married well to a high profile investment banker. She is now a lady of leisure.

Even so, prior to that, she was one of my best paid friend out of university, averaging $10k a month as a private banker right from the start. So there, she made it where she had always wanted to be.

What about yours truly?

I don't know. I kindda know where I wanna go but the journey there has always been murky.

As you see, I am prone to change courses at mid stream. First, I use my head to choose a seemingly foolproof path, then I get bored and unhappy and then I quit.

So I keep changing and must have lived a few lives over.

Again, my choice of men also comes into question.

Much as I always hope to snare a high flying corporate eagle, I find myself less inclinded to stick to the script of being with one. Not quite my type, I think. An attractive proposition as a lover or maybe even a sugar daddy and I can think of anything else I would want to do with men like that... can't see myself as a compliant home maker and organiser of parties in a first wives' club scenario. Well, I can see the part of myself organising a party but engaging in petty tittle tattle with other wives' is not my cup of tea. I think I might be too outspoken or might prove to be a shocker with my words.

But then again, who is really my type?

Ironically, I am very good at memorising scripts. Perhaps just not too good at acting them out.

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