Friday, July 09, 2010

Why Flasher? Why?

There has been a dearth of good erotic or sexcapade blogs to read in the past year or so.

By good, I mean the style of writing that cleverly translate those physical experiences to coherant prose.

Last night, I met the new acquaintance of a fellow blogger whose style of writing interest my following.

May I dare say, it is rare as hens' teeth these days.

Through the links on his blog site, I meandered through other erotic blogs that seem to hold little of my interest.

Why is that, you might ask.

For every three clicks I made to satiate my curiosity reading about real life bedroom action and gravitas of the common human population, my eyes stubbled upon booby mine traps of pornography. Bam! I find myself being visually assaulted by a pair of tits or a pussy or some form of body parts staring back at me on my computer screen.

I cringed each time and instinctively, I clicked backwards to obliterate the crude images that has just been dropped on me.

All pictures and few words written in broken sentences or worst still, broken English.

What happen to good, old prose?

Give me either the crude, graphic descriptions or the poetic arrangement of words. I happen to fall into that category of readership. I am looking for words that can do poetic justice to the actions of our baser instincts. Spare me the graphic images of the often not-too-appealing body parts that shall I dare say, can appear quite repulsive on my screen. The images continue to haunt me like a bad dream, like I have just been subjected to a flasher.

Oi, cover up! PLEASE cover up! Unless you are some super model or you have photoshop the images to give it an even skin tone, please just cover up!

You see, my critical eye hate the imperfections of the physical body. Best to leave something to the imagination.

I fear for yet another "disappointing" entrance into yet another dark electronic alleyway with every click of the mouse when a particular title tickles my fancy.

My new blogger acquaintaince reckon that often the psychology of these people doing what they do (i.e. nude and sexual photographic display of themselves) are to gain attention for themselves (which I have no doubt about that). And he reckons these people are very often not really as attractive in real life (which is open to contention) and are fishing for adulation from the equally desperate or lecherous online voyeurs.

Whatever it is, I am hoping to find some good poetic prose in the likes of the now- defunct singleserves blogsite by Sash once again. It is like I could see, smell or taste her pussy already without having to actually have experience it. Now therein lies the craft of the talented wordsmith.

And for the tit spillers, pussy juicers and ding dong hairy dicks, please at least write complete sentences and come up with some punchy tag line to suggest why your picture tells a thousand words about you or your sexiness (which is often the underlying reason for those body flashes).

Make it titillating, not crude!

OK, that's my take and you might beg to differ.

So now people, in order to spare my eyes from falling victim to yet another unsuspecting pornographic blogsite that touts itself as some erotic blogger/ writer, any suggestions of good erotic prose by Singaporean bloggers that my mind can finally and really feast on?:D

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