Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I must have been living on another planet.

Facebook has a way of making me feel so when I start finding old friends through connections with existing friends.

I find myself adding old high school classmates from the time where we were only 13.

Whilst I am struggling to make ends meet Down Under, here I find my old friends in marital and maternal bliss. Obviously they are doing great.

Funny how some of them used to moan about being "broke", having a mum who probably struggled to make ends meet as a single parent or having parents working hard in blue collar jobs to make a decent living.

I was the girl who didn't know what "broke" meant. I even shouted some to food since I was the girl who had $10 pocket money a day. To be precise, I had little regard to money since there will always be more to dip into, wasn't it? Well, that was what I thought.

So people have grown up, did well at school and graduated from university. They find jobs, make their folks proud, found a nice boy (I would hope), got married and made babies. That's what people do at home from the many friends I noticed on Facebook.

Here I am, young/ old P who seems to relate better to the other type. Smart, party set always roaming in social circles- a greater proportion of these people who don't hold a day job like myself. It makes going home seem like such a great holiday, the endless social events, parties and catch ups- long lunches, mindless window shopping and all things superfically brainlessly Singaporean that I so miss. All light-hearted with no "adult" responsibilities. I feel more at home here.

Now I really wanna go home!

I would like to think I am in the process of getting there.

Soon P, soon...;)

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