Thursday, December 23, 2010

I didn't know...

being grown up entails so much.

Actually, I do. That's why I am never ready to grow up.

Never ready to stop "playing" ("Come play at my house," is my usual line to Daisy), be a Mrs so-and-so and have kids.

I grow up listening to Marilyn Monroe song. " There comes a time when a man needs a lawyer but diamonds are a girl's best friend..." So I have been told.

Now I find myself requiring 2 different solicitors in 2 different states for 2 separate matters.

What have I got myself into, I wonder?

The festive season and the slowing down of everything administrative is irritating me a little. The solicitor I need around will be uncontactable for a good two weeks whilst she takes a cruise overseas ("otherwise I never stop working," she said). I see my expenses increasing with each day of delay with the sticky matter. My opponent has been playing cat and mouse- we've been using a softly-softly tactic at the moment to avoid any legal carnage at the moment.

On the positive note, I am heading towards the other solicitor's office to deal with a much more pleasant situation (barring the shadow of that former matter lurking at the back of my mind). Fingers crossed that everything is in order.

Now I am thinking about our new pool in our backyard and anticipating a sweet summer decking out on the sun lounge with a martini, re-reading my favourite novel, "Lolita".

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