Friday, April 15, 2011

What's New?

You might ask.

Nothing much, except I am sitting at my work desk alone in the office twiddling my thumbs. It's not because there isn't work to be done. There always is and deals that needs origniating. Since I made none this week and didn't send anyone out for interviews, I should get an arse whipping and work at it.

Only that, I do not feel like it. It's Friday and I do not feel like working. I dread my 3.30pm team meeting with my boss in Sydney as I have little great news to deliver. I have not made my month's target.


In other news, DL and I adopted a senior citizen dog who was rescued from the pound. Rusty is a mixed breed between the age of 8 and 10 with a heart murmur and lots of warts and lumps on her body. Dogs get that when they get on with age. The Fluffball gets a few removed each year at the vet when she has her dentals done- more for aesthetic reasons than health. My vet was disinclined to remove all the lumps (big and small) that I pointed out to him last year and took out only the significant ones. I hate imperfections and so does DL.

Since Rusty's teeth and gums are pink and healthy and her heart murmur not significant at the moment, I have resorted to using holistic methods to get rid of the lumps intsead of putting her under general anasthesia. That means spending more than a surgery procedure with top therapeutic grade organic essential oils and applying religiously on her affected parts on a daily basis and observing it. I am becoming quite the naturopath.

We got a 3rd opinion from our own vet as to the severity of Rusty's heart murmurs since there have been diverse opinions on her condition by two different vets according to the foster carer. Thankfully, it's been a positive outcome. DL has been particularly concerned about the turned out gait of Rusty's hind legs and the fact that she couldn't jump as high onto the couch and bed like her new older sister. The vet diplomatically explained using the examples of human being's gait but what he was trying to say was that Rusty happens to have bad genes. DL had to stifle his laugh.

Both the Fluffball and Rusty are getting along well. By that I mean, they are not hostile towards each other since they are both aloof and rarely bark and like to keep to themselves. Rusty is finally getting the hang that she should not pee INSIDE the house but outside. That there is a time and place for business to take place. By that, we meant the courtyard and their twice daily walks. Rusty has as smooth a bowel as the Fluffball is constipated, though both are being fed the same premium diet with organic fish oil and organic goji berry juice in their drinking water. Rusty has yet to learn that there is no place for dog poo in our nice courtyard with the synthetic grass and her mum does not feel the fondest picking up dog poo in her own, little nice courtyard. Ah well, hopefully she will learn the drill of the household in time.

Apart from that, nothing too exciting is or has taken place. A new addition means spending extra pet insurance each month (I nearly had a fit when I thought she wasn't eligible for illness insurance when I checked prior to her adoption) and extra grooming expenses. Every Tuesday fortnight, the bathing and grooming of our dogs are outsourced to our trusted pet groomer, Bosco who has keys to our house. But what a joy it is to have yet another rescued dog in our lives! That is the one thing that DL and I agree on and passionate about- DOGS. Well, guess that keeps our relationship alive.

Yes, so that is what's happening in our lives at the moment. Now there are four in the household. I am finally planning a holiday in Vanuatu and I welcome the short getaway with DL hopefully in June. I paid for the accomodation so guess we can't cancel on it now, can we?

Nothing else really except during my conversation with the Older Sibling last night, she said that during her recent trip back home to Singapore, Mum has asked her to convey the message to me that when things are even more financailly stable, DL and I should get married.

Now where did that come from both the Older Sibling and I wonder?

After all, we have always been brought up to be feminists and for the most part, I have decided that marriage has no place for a girl like me who WANTS alot and LIVE life on my own terms. Marriage and freedom just don't seem to go. Like oil and water you know.

What do you reckon?

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