Sunday, March 11, 2012

Of Meetings and Old Loves...

Finally, after two and a half year, the Dope and I have finally meet up again.

As a very busy man who is out of the country three weeks out of each month, he had only fifteen minutes for me between meetings.

Since our last meeting and now, Dope has made a huge comeback in his career from being someone jobless for months due to the GFC redundancy to the most senior staff in his current team that has been given four pay rises within these couple of years. He has also bought himself a lovely yuppie bachelor loftstyle pad in the heart of the city. He is on a career roll.

The catch up was civil. We met up at the Queen Victoria Building and went to a nearby cafe for tea.

I was conscious of his time.

He kept trying to search me, I felt, by looking somewhat meaningfully in my eyes, perhaps to capture a connection we once felt in our past.

I was polite and asked about his work, travels and his new apartment.

He mentioned about how the removalists had broken his washing machine and fridge whilst moving his belongings and he had to get them all replaced.

"Hmm, that must be so annoying, I bet," I said.

He nodded his head.

"And I bet you must have spent a fortune replacing them, knowing how you would only pick the top of the range ones," I smiled.

"It's Ok..." he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

" Well, you still know me best." He then continued and looked into my eyes smiling sheepishly.

I reminded him it's 4 O'clock. He said he could push it for another five more minutes.

More small talk and then I saw him looking at his time. I decided to say our goodbyes.

"Sorry..." he said.

"It's cool. You better get going. Another time."

We got up and he tried to hug me.

I reciprocated hastily. I am not used to him taking the intiative. In the past, I was the person who would reach out first to attempt to make a connection with this elusive grey arrangement of a lover.


I continued walking down George Street to Chinatown to think about what food I should buying back to Sad Town for DL before I board the bus back home.

An sms came in.

Good to see you.

A few sms exchanges later, he wrote: " sigh. I look in ur eyes and a lot of ur passion has abated..."


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