Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Three Weeks..

how my mental habit for you have not ceased
instead I am left feeling empty and hollow.
my friends have abandoned me.
in pain in sadness.
me in pain and shame.
so you too have left.
for me to cope with this bloody mess.
your words that night before an irony.
once everything is sorted tomorrow, it’ll not be too late to kiss me.
or shall I say cruelty.
why- I feel I hadn't felt your kiss in ages
how did you manage to slide into my circle of trust on that fateful night?
like a snake, just as stealthily, you let slip and slithered away.

Thursday, August 22, 2013



A month ago today I reminded you of today.
It is supposedly your special day.
That day you had something special in store for me.
The start of it all.
That day feels like a long time ago.
You are but a bogeyman to me.
Which part of your words is real?
They love creeping into my head.
You seem to have such a great memory.
Your words and life stories ever so seamless.
So do you remember today?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Two weeks...

exactly it has been
when shit hit the fan
like a scene out of
a drama serial unfolding
the universe conspired
to hit me I thought
except it was
helping me
like a fugitive
I was running
and a-running
house of cards
I thought
my life was coming
to an end
the crazy, angry
smses, emails, messages
wouldn't leave
me alone
your deadline
driving me 
like a lunatic
I actually
lost the plot
with you
for you
I was busted
 my credibility
as loose as
a gambler's
for someone
who wouldn't
spare twenty
at the tables
I  got the email
from my beloved father
and disowned
for a good two hours
the lawyers to 
close in on me
and then there
was your constant
emotional blackmailing
crying and guilt trip
push and pull
you dangled my
frail frail nerves
my heart constricted
and expanded
every two seconds
like the old days
I wanted to
run away
run far far away 
and shut all of
you out
especially you
you who got me
into this
fucked up mess
and wore me down
don't you 
fuck me up
I  begged
I threatened
I swear
I would 
kill myself
while I closed
myself in 
that office
that sad morning
then just as 
I wonder how
my fate 
would end 
on this 
turbulent night 
with the 
of the world
on my shoulders
so guess who
in the dark
that all familiar 
bright red Golf
with the "88" plate
at my doorstep
oh, good old
trusty DL
stood waiting
to save
my day
my life...

Sunday, August 18, 2013


My Funny Valentine...

I am hoping
the authorities will
act on the
information I provided.
it is my
Only connection
to you and
your cronies.
I don’t hate
can’t bring myself
to hate you.
you were such
a beloved habit
I had and
you did teach
me a few
good things.
so I 
Love you 
for that
I really do
but I hope
the authorities
will nab you
only to satisfy
my curiosity
so I
could finally
meet & greet
in the eye
I said
I always
wait impatiently
for that
to arrive.


North Point

is where you supposedly live.
I don’t have your address but maybe I could find you.
Right, you said. I am no celebrity you know, you laughed.
But I am a mapper.
Besides, the world is really small.
I always bumped into someone I know whenever I travel overseas.
Is that for real, you were curious. Perhaps I know why now.
How could that be, you questioned.
But I do. The world is this small. If you believe it’s a small world after all.
Life has no real coincidences.
Things are meant to fall into a certain pattern.
And so was how we met.
For a good reason.

Mr Boogeyman, I won’t quite find you after all.
Not in a sea of faces in North Point.
You will be just a face to me.
But I think you will spot me.
Right there.
Then you will recall how small our world could be.
(No matter how many smokes and mirrors you hide behind)
I believe in that day.
North Point, it will be.

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