Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Today' s Story

Let me tell you a story today.

So there I was having the usual period cramps lying in bed.

I got DL to fetch me my phone as I was expecting the arrival of Daisy at our house like some three hours ago. I had no sight or sound of her and decided I should take action and give her an overdue concern call.

DL mentioned that there were two messages. One which I expected was from my solicitor and the other I presumed was Daisy having stood me up.

It turned out that the latter text message was from The Man, whom some of you readers might recall not too long ago that he tried to get in touch with me. That is like after three years of having gone missing into the wilderness.

The message went like this:

“Hi P, I am back in Sydney for good. Let's catch up when you are back in Sydney the next time and keep me posted. I hope you have also found a new business to buy. The Man”

I was scrolling down the message and was figuring who it was until I reached the bottom part. Intially, I mistook it for Della whom I suddenly recalled was due to either fly out or arrive in Sydney today.

Anyhow, a good half an hour later, I decided to write her a text:

“Oi, are you in Sydney yet? If so, welcome. Btw, I just got a text from a guy I fugged with 3 years ago and thought it was you.”

I decided to hit “send”. As I sending, I realised the text was sent to the Man.

Well done, P. Well done! Which was what Della replied later on when I texted her.


Much later, The Man replied.

“OK, keep me posted when you are next in Sydney.”

I could attribute his cordial reply to either his graciousness or possibly not having read the other not-so-nice text just yet.

Anyhow, it was true. We fucked. Three weeks later, he got married. It is what it is. I haven't misrepresent the situation, or have I not?

Fact is I don't think he will be hearing from me in any near future.

We haven't got anything for each other.

I have a new life. He has his life, whatever it is.

Case closed. End of story.

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