Friday, January 25, 2013
Facebook, how you mock my youth!
that sweetheart
of my youth
of my youth
seventeen years
too late
Bjork, carousel &
Steven Road houses
I reminded him
bare boobies in moonlight
our teenage love
in heat
at Marina Bay
I remember too well
I have been
for him to come back
one day
to unravel the mystery
which I spent years
in angst & only
through lost innocence
through lost innocence
I put
two and two
two and two
I knew he
would return
how I waited
bidded my time
spilled the beans
said my peace
said his peace
hope he would never
see her in
the same light again
can of worms opened
finally that stone
is unturned
only but
seventeen years late
Monday, January 07, 2013
Post DL's recent moving out, I naturally have the house to myself.
I was waiting for the aftermath of loneliness, emptiness and inevitably sadness and depression to set in. Except, it has not. Strangely, I feel a lot more centred and at peace.
Despite thinking of him often and our meeting up once every few days, I do enjoy having the house to myself. My inner and outer peace restored. With most of his belongings gone, the built up clutter is gone.
I generally keep it tidy, just like how I always liked and wanted it to be. Not worn clothes stripped and carelessly strewn on the floor. Missed pistachio nut shells found around the wastepaper basket or unwashed dishes...
With no car, I am home bound a lot too as the public transport in Sad Town is infrequent and can quite a pain, especially on weekends. But I generally could keep myself happily occupied in my own house with my numerous interests, hobbies and household chores. I also finally got to enjoy the couch (which DL was a permanent fixture ON it) and watch my beloved Rusty lay on her mini kingdom of dog pets and animal printed blankets near by on the floor. And the great thing is now my cushions are always arrranged the right way up and the TV is hardly switched on. I can finally get some peace and I intend to keep it this way... sometimes I put music in the background, just like how I always desire the atmosphere of my home to be.
Given that I am fast approaching 34, having close to zero social life in Sad Town (except for a handful of close friends whom I meet infrequently and are mostly attached) and a life revolving around work in an all-female industry, commuting home and Rusty, I think the chances of me finding romance or a suitable partner to be far from likely.
It doesn't quite affect me. Not as yet it seems and I do quite enjoy my newfound solitude. In fact,in a way, it does feel like how I wanted or envision my life during my youth- to be a financially independent woman with my own home and my own world when I grow up. So having my own home and living faraway from home, there are no compelling factors to want to get hitched quickly- I have already achieved having my own property and a roof over my head. Hopefully there will be more properties to come, with or without a partner. With DL having the other property, I almost feel myself heave a sigh of relief that our separation didn't leave him empty-handed. In fact, he got something far more valuable than I did and a business we built thanks to the largess of our families where the world is indeed his oyster...
In a way, I have always had a "provider" mentality and I reckon, that kept me "committed" (in my warped, polygamous way) to keep our relationship going for more than a decade. Subconsciously, I wanted to see "results", so to speak that he would get somewhere financially stable before I could let him be on his own, just like the way an overly protective mother hand holds her child and build a safety net to catch him if he falls...
Despite growing up with much social ambitions where I made the effort to work the social circuit, I always loved being alone for the most part. Even as a teen, I was fond of taking a bus into town where I would eat alone and shop alone because I truly enjoy my own company. My only fear was not having enough pocket money. When I got older, I basked in the delight of travelling solo and embarking on my own little adventures....
I am still one and the same person all these years. And my only fear too is not making enough money to feed my hungry soul for all things fine and beautiful and to save the world like I hope I can and leave a mark before I pass on from this world.
"You are always in your own world..." DL always said during an argument or a discussion turned tensed. The Old Boy and perhaps a few others tell me about my self-centredness, being so difficult as a person and high maintenance as a girlfriend of sorts.
So there, as I fast approach age 34, I don't see how much more easy-going I will get. I acknowledge the fact that I am fussy since I was a child and I have my own idiosyncracies that may hard for some to put up. Joint living and sharing my life with someone was never quite my thing, just like how some people could never relate to parenthood. And for as long as I live in this one-bedroom townhouse, I have decided there will be no room for two people to co-exist (except for friends or family visiting for the short term, of course). Just me and my dog. How I like it.
Ever heard of good fences make good neighbours? I am of the belief, too that a bigger house will drown out any noises or keep a couple from cramming each other's personal space and spark any unncessary tension. That is why I always like living in a bigger property with more rooms so my partner and I could get out of each other's way...
Now that I have my tiny abode to myself, it feels like I have finally found my haven and I intend to keep it this way for a long time to come. No more excuses about my underperformance or delays. Finally, I can focus on me.
I was waiting for the aftermath of loneliness, emptiness and inevitably sadness and depression to set in. Except, it has not. Strangely, I feel a lot more centred and at peace.
Despite thinking of him often and our meeting up once every few days, I do enjoy having the house to myself. My inner and outer peace restored. With most of his belongings gone, the built up clutter is gone.
I generally keep it tidy, just like how I always liked and wanted it to be. Not worn clothes stripped and carelessly strewn on the floor. Missed pistachio nut shells found around the wastepaper basket or unwashed dishes...
With no car, I am home bound a lot too as the public transport in Sad Town is infrequent and can quite a pain, especially on weekends. But I generally could keep myself happily occupied in my own house with my numerous interests, hobbies and household chores. I also finally got to enjoy the couch (which DL was a permanent fixture ON it) and watch my beloved Rusty lay on her mini kingdom of dog pets and animal printed blankets near by on the floor. And the great thing is now my cushions are always arrranged the right way up and the TV is hardly switched on. I can finally get some peace and I intend to keep it this way... sometimes I put music in the background, just like how I always desire the atmosphere of my home to be.
Given that I am fast approaching 34, having close to zero social life in Sad Town (except for a handful of close friends whom I meet infrequently and are mostly attached) and a life revolving around work in an all-female industry, commuting home and Rusty, I think the chances of me finding romance or a suitable partner to be far from likely.
It doesn't quite affect me. Not as yet it seems and I do quite enjoy my newfound solitude. In fact,in a way, it does feel like how I wanted or envision my life during my youth- to be a financially independent woman with my own home and my own world when I grow up. So having my own home and living faraway from home, there are no compelling factors to want to get hitched quickly- I have already achieved having my own property and a roof over my head. Hopefully there will be more properties to come, with or without a partner. With DL having the other property, I almost feel myself heave a sigh of relief that our separation didn't leave him empty-handed. In fact, he got something far more valuable than I did and a business we built thanks to the largess of our families where the world is indeed his oyster...
In a way, I have always had a "provider" mentality and I reckon, that kept me "committed" (in my warped, polygamous way) to keep our relationship going for more than a decade. Subconsciously, I wanted to see "results", so to speak that he would get somewhere financially stable before I could let him be on his own, just like the way an overly protective mother hand holds her child and build a safety net to catch him if he falls...
Despite growing up with much social ambitions where I made the effort to work the social circuit, I always loved being alone for the most part. Even as a teen, I was fond of taking a bus into town where I would eat alone and shop alone because I truly enjoy my own company. My only fear was not having enough pocket money. When I got older, I basked in the delight of travelling solo and embarking on my own little adventures....
I am still one and the same person all these years. And my only fear too is not making enough money to feed my hungry soul for all things fine and beautiful and to save the world like I hope I can and leave a mark before I pass on from this world.
"You are always in your own world..." DL always said during an argument or a discussion turned tensed. The Old Boy and perhaps a few others tell me about my self-centredness, being so difficult as a person and high maintenance as a girlfriend of sorts.
So there, as I fast approach age 34, I don't see how much more easy-going I will get. I acknowledge the fact that I am fussy since I was a child and I have my own idiosyncracies that may hard for some to put up. Joint living and sharing my life with someone was never quite my thing, just like how some people could never relate to parenthood. And for as long as I live in this one-bedroom townhouse, I have decided there will be no room for two people to co-exist (except for friends or family visiting for the short term, of course). Just me and my dog. How I like it.
Ever heard of good fences make good neighbours? I am of the belief, too that a bigger house will drown out any noises or keep a couple from cramming each other's personal space and spark any unncessary tension. That is why I always like living in a bigger property with more rooms so my partner and I could get out of each other's way...
Now that I have my tiny abode to myself, it feels like I have finally found my haven and I intend to keep it this way for a long time to come. No more excuses about my underperformance or delays. Finally, I can focus on me.
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
So just moments before, I was in my relatively empty garage post DL's departure looking through boxes of my books as I was searching for a journel and I chanced upon a Miffy the Bunny card stucked in The 7 Habits Journal by Stephen R. Covey. No, this wasn't the journal I was looking for.
The card has two Miffy bunnies- a boy and a girl on skates. How apt, I thought since it was during our rollerblading sessions as friends that we got closer and led us to our relationship. I opened the card and it read like this (my handwriting still look very much the same):
Reckon this Valentine's Day/ 31/2-year-anniversary present has arrived a little too late. Nonetheless, here it is...
Over the past few years or so, we have braved many a turbulence together in our relationship, often sharing more bad times than good times together. But I reckom this is what holds our relationship together and I hope with time, we can brave all the storms and tests together that may be ahead of us.
For the past six months, mistakes were made in this relationship, pretty poisonous ones in fact that is enough to break us up. But still, we've weathered the storms. Upon introspection, I notice that we haven't ben putting the whole relationship in perspective as the weariness that has been plaguing our lives has bogged us down. We need to find the committment and bring the magic back to us and make the relationship alive again.
So I hope all is not lost after the battle/challenges that we have fought to remain being together. I want to seize the opporutnity to renew my faith in our relationship and work towards a fruitful future. I hope you will feel the same way too...
Given my current new-found national status (hee, hee :) ) and the excitment and hope I have for myself (with regards to Paris & the opportunities ahead) and you having graduated and possibly finding a real estate job, I must say that the relationship is now entering into another realm of challenge. Wit this new leash of life and hope awaiting us, I hope we can keep the faith together and work towards a greater partnership.
With that said, I hope we can start improving on our commitment to each other via quality communication I have taken the first step to pen down my thoughts in our communal journal and I am waiting for you to also start dropping a few lines.
I have chosen the "7 Habits Journal" as a choice of my gift for you cos I want you to first start communicating your thought and fear into this journal if you feel uncomfortable talking to me. And perhaps this is the best way to kickstart you into communicating effectively with yourself and then with me.
The little quotations found in the journal are some useful food for thought and I hope you may be able to apply them into your daily life.
So let's make the commitment and start our relationship all over again. Things can be this simple if we want it to be and perhaps that's the best way to put our relationship into perspective.
I love you very much and I want you to know that I love you enough enough to want to undo the wrong that we have done to each other by taking the first step to say to you that "yes, we will start our lives all over again". Hopefully, you will feel the same way too. :)
Ah P
Thereafter in European summer of 2004, my string of affairs and infidelity started. I was that sad, fallen and broken person- a person fallen from grace to the point of no return. I indulged in futile affairs, "loved" others and hurt myself in a vicious cycle, simply to run away from the deep seated sadness and vulnerability I felt for my weary relationship with DL.
Nearly 9 years on, why do the feelings and nuances of the above message still feel so familiar and very much the same?
It felt like our lives have stopped in time and re-reading and typing the last paragraph still made my eyes wet.
Nothing fundamental between us have changed. We merely grow older, heavier in our hearts, less trusting of the other and less hopeful of where our joint future lie. Somewhere between still loving the other and sharing the cold comfort of each other's presence, we persisted almost dutifully in our joint arrangement until something gave. In this case, it was the entrance of a stranger named Gem whom I am beginning to suspect Someone Up There sent me as a one -off to thwart our relationship because He/She couldn't bear any longer to see where this long drawn out almost painful-to-watch saga was heading and it was His/Her way to give us that lease of fresh air that is much needed to clear our minds and to allow a chance at living a peaceful and contented life.
The 7 Habits Journal was never written in. It looks as new as the day I bought it for DL.
Perhaps if we had started communicating in it and filled it with words of how we felt , the story of my 2013 would tell a very different tale and this blog would never have existed....
The card has two Miffy bunnies- a boy and a girl on skates. How apt, I thought since it was during our rollerblading sessions as friends that we got closer and led us to our relationship. I opened the card and it read like this (my handwriting still look very much the same):
Reckon this Valentine's Day/ 31/2-year-anniversary present has arrived a little too late. Nonetheless, here it is...
Over the past few years or so, we have braved many a turbulence together in our relationship, often sharing more bad times than good times together. But I reckom this is what holds our relationship together and I hope with time, we can brave all the storms and tests together that may be ahead of us.
For the past six months, mistakes were made in this relationship, pretty poisonous ones in fact that is enough to break us up. But still, we've weathered the storms. Upon introspection, I notice that we haven't ben putting the whole relationship in perspective as the weariness that has been plaguing our lives has bogged us down. We need to find the committment and bring the magic back to us and make the relationship alive again.
So I hope all is not lost after the battle/challenges that we have fought to remain being together. I want to seize the opporutnity to renew my faith in our relationship and work towards a fruitful future. I hope you will feel the same way too...
Given my current new-found national status (hee, hee :) ) and the excitment and hope I have for myself (with regards to Paris & the opportunities ahead) and you having graduated and possibly finding a real estate job, I must say that the relationship is now entering into another realm of challenge. Wit this new leash of life and hope awaiting us, I hope we can keep the faith together and work towards a greater partnership.
With that said, I hope we can start improving on our commitment to each other via quality communication I have taken the first step to pen down my thoughts in our communal journal and I am waiting for you to also start dropping a few lines.
I have chosen the "7 Habits Journal" as a choice of my gift for you cos I want you to first start communicating your thought and fear into this journal if you feel uncomfortable talking to me. And perhaps this is the best way to kickstart you into communicating effectively with yourself and then with me.
The little quotations found in the journal are some useful food for thought and I hope you may be able to apply them into your daily life.
So let's make the commitment and start our relationship all over again. Things can be this simple if we want it to be and perhaps that's the best way to put our relationship into perspective.
I love you very much and I want you to know that I love you enough enough to want to undo the wrong that we have done to each other by taking the first step to say to you that "yes, we will start our lives all over again". Hopefully, you will feel the same way too. :)
Ah P
Thereafter in European summer of 2004, my string of affairs and infidelity started. I was that sad, fallen and broken person- a person fallen from grace to the point of no return. I indulged in futile affairs, "loved" others and hurt myself in a vicious cycle, simply to run away from the deep seated sadness and vulnerability I felt for my weary relationship with DL.
Nearly 9 years on, why do the feelings and nuances of the above message still feel so familiar and very much the same?
It felt like our lives have stopped in time and re-reading and typing the last paragraph still made my eyes wet.
Nothing fundamental between us have changed. We merely grow older, heavier in our hearts, less trusting of the other and less hopeful of where our joint future lie. Somewhere between still loving the other and sharing the cold comfort of each other's presence, we persisted almost dutifully in our joint arrangement until something gave. In this case, it was the entrance of a stranger named Gem whom I am beginning to suspect Someone Up There sent me as a one -off to thwart our relationship because He/She couldn't bear any longer to see where this long drawn out almost painful-to-watch saga was heading and it was His/Her way to give us that lease of fresh air that is much needed to clear our minds and to allow a chance at living a peaceful and contented life.
The 7 Habits Journal was never written in. It looks as new as the day I bought it for DL.
Perhaps if we had started communicating in it and filled it with words of how we felt , the story of my 2013 would tell a very different tale and this blog would never have existed....
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Online ( a modern day infatuation)
that spark in my heart lights up
each time I see your presence
in real time as a green dot
on the right side
of my computer screen
each time I see your presence
in real time as a green dot
on the right side
of my computer screen
It had dawned on me that today was the last day of 2012
whilst I was on the bus chatting to V on my mobile Facebook chat.
A sinking feeling gradually filled my being with the
I recall half a decade to the day rather vividly on how I
spent my New Year’s Eve celebrating at Clarke Quay with V, her current German
husband and my Norwegian beau and his brother. It seemed only like yesterday V
and I were such swinging bachelorettes coming out of our relationships. Hers
was breaking away from a relationship that was never going to work and me with
DL. Oh, and that afternoon, the Old Boy and I shagged at a Hotel 81 near my
house the first time.
So five years on, what have since changed?
Well, V is happily married to the German where we met at
Pump Room on that Christmas Eve and they have a chubbilicious baby boy who is
already 19 months old. I must have mentioned this for the umpteenth time.
What about yours truly, some of you might ask?
Not much in the grand theme on Miss P’s life.
As many of you would have noticed, my blog have been shut
down for a while and for a good reason.
You see, I have been busted by DL about my latest one -off infidelity
with a particular guy named Gem (which some of you would have read about).
DL and I have some sort of telepathy, perhaps from being
together for so long. He sensed something was wrong since my return from
Singapore. I spent a lot of time thereafter in Sad Town jogging and taking long
walks up the hill. And one serendipitous
(for him) night, he found the shady alleyway of my blog spent an entire night
up reading my blog beginning 2009 (post our reunion) and confirmed his doubts.
The next day, on our eleventh year anniversary, we broke up.
The initial feeling was relief before sadness overcame me.
For the first time amongst my long history of infidelity (stemmed from our marred
relationship that I shall never want to talk about) which I have been doing good for the most part in the last 3 years by abstaining from any extra-curricular activities and rejecting any advances made my way, I felt the burden of guilt
(and perhaps why I was not so good at compartmentalising and hiding my
feelings) from withholding something from someone I thought I was resolute to
spend the better half of my life with.
So I spent the last four and a half months, the latter half
of 2012 being single.
I lost my share of the business , the second investment
property on the private residence island and the company to him.
DL didn’t move out
until last week as he tried doing the right thing by letting me get back on my
We co-existed in a bitter-sweet manner where there were days
where tension at home was unbearable and ugly, abusive and resentful words were
exchanged (especially on his part) when we had to make a decision on something
relating to the business or the soon to be settled property. There were days
where I let him verbally abuse me as I did not have the energy to fight him.
How is one to reason with an emotionally wounded man, especially since on the
outside I seemed completely at fault (which I will not dispute for the above
incident)? With my numerous indiscretions and infidelity, there is only so much
one could take and I had left DL with no choice but to cut off from someone
like me.
I spent the last 5 months cleaning up my own emotional and
inevitably financial mess. I stopped dwelling lest I spiral into depression and
could only embrace a positive attitude on finding solutions to work through
this challenging part of my life.
The circle of my private life thereby concluded and with the
aftermath that I had to deal with as a result of my indiscretions, I didn’t
have the heart to write again.
2012 came and go so quickly in a blink.
I was spontaneously being seduced and kissed by a boy named
Gem in July (which is almost half a year ago) and lost my boyfriend, the
business and my second investment property as a result.
I thought I was so close to the finishing line for the years
of working hard to achieve the financial stability I craved for with the person
I have decided to spend the rest of my life with.
I had to fuck it all up for myself.
Gem was the straw the broke the camel’s back for DL. For me,
Gem made me realise how much a part of me wanted to break free, have fun and be
Miss P again. I wanted to feel young again and feel romance and
the thrill of the chase and the excitement that comes with passion. He fuelled
my imagination that life could be elsewhere and perhaps a relationship shouldn’t
be this hard a slog. If two are in sync, they can conquer the world together. I
wanted to find my partner-in-crime.
When one door closes, another opens.
So I went home to Singapore in July and lost my boyfriend in
Whilst I was fretting what I could do with my life, I
received a headhunting call the next day for a position back in Singapore.
I toyed with the idea of going home since one part of me
could not put the Gem out of my mind and also because I wanted to run away from
my adult problems with DL. I wanted to know if my infatuation for that boy who captured
my imagination could make me take this great leap of faith of making the
life-changing decision of relocating back home. I have always been more
pragmatic than romantic in my life and was brought up never to bend backwards
over a guy that would put me in a compromising position, especially in my
career or my quest for personal excellence. Well, perhaps for the Old Boy, only
that I knew our relationship would have gone nowhere and the stop limit to how
far off the rails would be decided for me anyway in the form of intervention of
social conventions and family expectations from both ends.
At an all time broke and needing to get out of Sad Town from
that unbearable feeling of unease living with DL and needing to find out if the
Gem was just a figment of my infatuated imagination, I booked a flight in
October to fly home to Singapore. To justify for my expenses courtesy of my
mother’s financial hospitality YET again, I had found that fine excuse since I
was headhunted and arranged for my job interview to take place and a few follow-up
business meetings relating to my side business that I had since June. But deep
inside, I needed to go home once and for all to confirm what I feel for Gem and
get to know him better.
V’s all time wisdom of words from the days of our teens that
“the best laid plans always fail” could not be truer. I only met Gem briefly
once in my two and the half weeks home at the tail end of my trip. That about
gave me the answer that I needed to know, which is- he is not that into me. I texted him once the day after I touched
down in Singapore and received no reply from him, which might as well be THE
answer anyway. I facebook chatted him once to invite him to the country club
with my friends but I reckon the only reason why he bothered replying was
because he couldn’t make it anyway. So I stopped trying lest I looked like a
stupid fool.
I occupied my mind in
the first half of my trip by jogging to the beach from my house every morning.
On the first day of my jog, I chanced upon what I thought was the tree that Gem had
led me to and kissed me under it in the dark wee hours of that breezy July
Saturday morning. I took a picture on my phone of that supposed tree for memory’s sake.
Gem was the last boy I kissed in 2012.
The Dope and I are still friends after all these years.
As some of you long time readers will remember, Dope was
that university crush that I had way before DL came into my life. He was that aloof and mysterious Eurasian boy
from the Law and Commerce faculty who excelled in his studies and who was liked
by a number of Asian girls.
I always felt a strong
connection with the Dope despite being mere acquaintances and knew I would get him one day, except I didn’t know
how and why. Later on, we would only nod by way of acknowledgement whenever we bummed into each other at the
shopping mall, him with his girlfriend (my classmate) and me with DL.
When we graduated from university (he graduated the year
before I did), I heard he moved to Sydney when I bummed into a mutual friend.
And coincidentally, I bummed into him the following week on the same bus back
from Sydney to Sad Town. The rest was history and we had a one year plus
relationship in the form of a grey arrangement from 2005 to 2006.
As always a workaholic, the Dope and I were on Whatapp today
on a hot late afternoon whilst he continues slogging away at work. We
communicated on a sporadic basis, mainly to ensure that the other person is
still alive and kicking.
Since I have stopped being a wanton P and becoming a rather
sexless person over the past couple of years, Dope has stopped trying to play
the Devil’s Advocate (ironically, that was my role when we had the grey
arrangement) to stoke my fire so to speak. Besides, he now has a girlfriend whom he has
dated for at least five years now.
Today for some reason unknown to myself, I asked him if when
was the last time he had sex with his
girlfriend since he always works so late. A couple of weeks ago, came
his reply.
We moved onto another topic about my new business idea and
with the sweltering heat making me sluggish, I decided to let him get back to his
work whilst I try taking a nap on the couch. After what must be 20 minutes, I
got up and continued our conversation.
Since you were on the
topic of sex...he said.
I had a nostalgic wank
this morning...
Nostalgic wank? Heheheh. What about?
About us before...
Hehehheh. That was so
long ago. You actually remember?;)
Why didn’t you tell me
you were single then Dope?
Because I didn’t know
how and it was grey...
You know I could have ‘un-grey’ it right if I had known?
You know I could have ‘un-grey’ it right if I had known?
Things would have changed and Dope wouldn’t have to spend
all these years wanking to lascivious thoughts of P and her sweet tricks. We
would have made a great team in our corporate careers, charming the smart set
on Martin Place. Perhaps I would be the girl living on his expensive Lumiere
apartment on George Street managing his investments and money whilst he does
what he does best now in the mining industry and in stock picking...
For a long time, I like to think that the men in my life
were so capable of hurting me wittingly and unwittingly. But in recent times, I
started doing some soul searching and realise I did hurt some along the way.
Were you hurt by
I was referring to my polygamous ways.
A little. But please
don’t feel apologetic. You were young and being true to yourself.
You know what Dope? So
many of you made it so easy for me to have my cake and eat it, including DL.
Time and again, he took me back despite my infidelity, only to be disappointed.
And the truth is, I wasn’t happy about leading a double life. I wish too, then
you would have dished an ultimatum for me where I was forced to make a
decision. Maybe I wouldn’t end up where I am today...
As I typed the above, I was reminded of the others I have
hurt, including the Old Boy (who begged me to lie to him that my infidelity
with the Koran was involuntary), the Koran (who was so sweet to me despite my
infidelity and rudeness to him; strangely after that conversation he had with
me, he got married hastily 2 months after) and M (“stop hurting me,” he said as
we spent 2006 New Year’s Day where he flew to Singapore to visit me whilst I
was back for summer).
Coincidentally, whilst I was whatsapping away with Dope, I
received a Facebook message from M wishing me a Happy New Year to let him know
when I might be going back to Singapore. It would be nice to catch up as he now
lives in Malaysia and it would be easier for him to make a trip to visit if
time permitted.
So therein concluded my 2012.
Back into the work force I am again.
I have decided to work in a cushier job as a Store Manager
for a boutique to help pay bills and for once, take it easy on my life.
I am still getting used to being paid a pittance and working
longer hours. My current’s weekly salary
equivalent to one and a half day’s worth of work in our business where I worked
no more than an average of five hours a day. And commuting in public transport
in Sad Town too is a pain.
But I am of the belief the human mind is adaptable and
flexible so I will survive. Well, I made my own bed, so to speak and since I
have rejected a relatively high paid corporate job back in Singapore in
exchange for lifestyle, I really have no one to blame since opportunities are
always around if you spot them and do something with them.
For me, things have come full circle finally in 2012.
Funny how, all it took was one little incident to tip the
precarious balances of our lives and the change of Fates.
The clairvoyants over the years were wrong after all. 2012
did arrive and DL and I did not have the expansive business that so many have
said we would achieve in various stages of our lives where I saw different clairvoyants and he chanced upon one in his waitering days who read him for free.
Or have the interception of Gem in my life and my
carelessness thwarted the grand scheme of things that Someone Up There had
originally intended for DL and me?
And oh, the world did not end in 2012.
So here I am spending New Year's Eve alone in solitude. Tomorrow is a new year, new life and new beginnings.
A blank canvas, starting on a clean slate at Ground Zero.
So here I am spending New Year's Eve alone in solitude. Tomorrow is a new year, new life and new beginnings.
A blank canvas, starting on a clean slate at Ground Zero.
So what is in store for me in 2013?
Anything really.
Anything really.
But I say now it is time to focus on me and my quest to
fulfilling my full potential and find that inner peace I have always been
searching for, embarking on a meditative life journey that is best experienced in solitude.
So cheers everyone to an abundant 2013 and ride with the fun
times ahead!